
What is the religious meaning and status of ‘Wahi’,‘Ilham’ and ‘Kashf’.Also explain that how the Qadianies have distorted these terms and what the reply of these is?

Question No.6:    What is the religious meaning and status of ‘Wahi’, ‘Ilham’ and ‘Kashf’. Also explain that how the Qadianies have distorted these terms and what the reply of these is?

Answer:        Wahih

 In the terminology of ‘Shariat’ (divine law) Wahi (Revelation) is that Divine words which are sent to a Prophet through an angel. It is particular with only Prophets. If, on the other hand, this revelation is directly on heart, it is ‘Ilham’ (Inspiration). Medium of an angel is not necessary. ‘Ilham’ is often revealed on holiness. If ‘Ilham’ is through a dream, it is called virtuous dream’. Common good doers and people having true faith may have true dreams. According to lexicon ‘Ilham’, ‘Kashf’ and true dreams are ‘Wahi’. Quran says: (Inam: 121)

(Inam: 112)

but in ‘Shariat’ the word ‘Wahi’ is associated only with Prophethood. In the Holy Quran ‘Wahi’ is also applied to stannic temptations. Here the word, ‘Wahi’ is in keeping with lexicon (dictionary):

“The satans inspire their friends to dispute with you” But generally the word, ‘Wahi’, is not applicable to stanic temptations.


                    If a good and virtuous thing or thought is inspired in heart, without any apparent mean, it is ‘Ilham’ (inspiration). If knowledge is got through senses, it is sensuous perception. If knowledge is poured into heart by Allah without using senses and reason, it is ‘Ilham’ ‘Ilham’ depends on divine grant and one’s faith, as is described in Hadith. Though in its meaning ‘Kashf’ (manifestation) is also ‘Ilham’, but ‘Kashf’ is related more with senses and ‘Ilham’ is related more wish heart.


If some thing from the hidden world is unveiled it is ‘Kashf’. After ‘Kashf’ the veiled thing becomes apparent. Qazi Muhammad Aala Thanvi (Rahmatullah Alaih) writes  “The unveiling depends on purity of heart and saintliness. The brighter the heart is, the more will be the unveilings. We should know that though unveiling of hidden things depend on the cleanliness of heart but it is not always necessary” (Istalahat Alfa noon, p.1254).

As a virtuous dream is lesser in value than ‘Ilham’ in the same way ‘Ilham’ is lesser in value than ‘Wahi’. As there is less ambiguity in Ilham’ than virtuous dream, in the same way ‘Ilham’ is ambiguous as compared to ‘Wahi’. The detail can be seen in Hazrat Kandhelvi (Rahmatullah Alaih)’s Ehtasab Qadianiat, v.2.



After Hazrat Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam ‘Wahi’ that was meant for Prophets was terminated. In this connection the explanation by the religious scholars is as follows:

1-               Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (Razi Allah-o-Anho) said at the death of Hazrat Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam:

(Kinzul A’amal, v.5, p.7 Hadith No.18760)

“Today we have neither ‘Wahi’ nor any command from God”

2-               Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (Razi Allah-o-Anho) said:

(Al-Riazal Nazerath, V.1, P.98)

‘’Wahi” has been terminated now and God’s religion is complete. Whether harm to the religion will start in my life?”

4-               Hazrat Ans (Razi Allah-o-Anho) relates that after Hazrat Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam death Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (Razi Allah-o-Anho) one day said to Hazrat Umar (Razi Allah-o-Anho) ‘Let us go to see Hazrat Umme Amen (Razi Allah-o-Anho) because Hazrat Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam also used to go to see her’. Hazrat Ans (Razi Allah-o-Anho) says that the three of them went there. Hazrat Umme Amen (Razi Allah-o-Anho) began to weep to look at them. Both of them said to her: ‘Umme Amen’ only that is better for Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam which God has determined for his SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam destiny. She replied:

(Kinzul Aamal, V7, P.225. Hadith No. 18734. Muslim, v.2, P.291)

“I also Know it that only that is better for him SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam which is better in God’s eyes. But I weep because the heavenly news have been terminated”

5-      Allama Qartabi says:

(Mawahib Ladnia, P.259)

“because after Holy Prophet’s SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam death, ‘Wahi’ has been terminated.

6-                For the person who claims that he receives ‘Wahi’ (after Hazrat Muhammad’s SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam death, Allama Ibn Hijr Meccy (Rahmatullah Alaih) writes:

(with reference from ‘Khatm-e-Nubuwwat, P. 322. by Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Shafi  (Rahmatullah Alaih)

“After Hazrat Muhammad’s SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam death if a person follows any other ‘Wahi’, he is an infidel, according to the consensus of the Muslim opinion”

The Qadiani group not only distorts ‘Kashf’, ‘Ilham’ and ‘Wahi’ but also make deception. They believe in the continuity of ‘Wahi’ for Mirza Qadiani. So, they have published Mirza Qadiani’s so called ‘Wahi’ under the title. ‘Tazkirah’, in spite of the fact that ‘Tazkirah’ is the name for Quran.

As the Ayah reveals :

(Abs: 11-14)

                    In these Ayahs (verses) Quran has been called ‘Tazkirah’. If the Qadianies had called their book as ‘Quran’, there would have been much roar among Muslims. So, they stole the uncommon name for the Holy Quran and labeled it on collection of their so-called ‘Wahi’. On the first page of Tazkirah’ is the topic: “Tazkirah, i.e. Divine ‘Wahi’ and true dreams and manifestations of the promised Christ (Mirza Qadiani)”.

The Qadianies consider that the Divine “Wahi”  is continuous for Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. The ‘Tazkirah’ comprises 818 pages. There is no doubt in it that having such faith is sheer infidelity. In the following is given some of the thousands of sentences in which Mirza Qadiani claimed receiving ‘Wahi’

1-                As I have said many times that the ‘Kalam’ (Holy verses) that I relate is absolutely and certainly from God as Quran and Bible are from God. I am God’s ‘Zilly’ and ‘Broozy’ Prophet. It is obligatory for Muslims to follow me in religious matters and to consider me the Promised Christ”

(Tohafatul Nadwah .p.7; Roohani Khazain, v. 19, p.95)

2-                The Divine ‘Wahi’ that is revealed to me includes such words as ‘Rasool’ (Messenger) ‘Mursel’ and ‘Nabi’. It occurred not once but hundreds of times. Then how it can be true that such words are not included. Even previously these words were used in abundance. And in Braheen Ahmedia, which was published around 22 years ago, these words are not less. Here are some of the Divine words published in Braheen Ahmedia:

Consult Braheen Ahmedia. Here the humble (Mirza) has been called ‘Rasool’ (Messenger)” (Majmooya Ishtaharat, v.3, p.431; Aik Ghalety ka Azala, p.2; Roohani Khazain, v.18, p.206)

3-               “In this Ummah much was revealed to me and many hidden things were opened some. In this Ummah, I am the only person who has been bestowed with so much share in this respect. Many holy men, ‘Abdal’ and ‘Aqtab’ have passed before me. They were not bestowed with so much share of the blessing. That is why only I was selected to be called a ‘Nabi’ (Prophet) and the others were not entitled to it.”

        (Haqeeqatul Wahi, p.391 Roohani Khazain, v.22, p.406)

4-               “And as I believe in the verses of the Holy Quran in the some way, I also believe in the ‘Wahi’ that is very evident, that was revealed to me. Its truth became clear to me because of continuous signs. And while standing in ‘Bait Ullah’ I swear that the Divine ‘Wahi’ that is revealed to me are the words of the very God who revealed His Words to Moses Alaih-i-Salam, Christ Alaih-i-Salam and to Hazrat Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam.(Aik Ghality Ka Azala, p.18. Roohani Khazain, v.18, p.210 Majmooya Ishtaharat, v.3, p.435)

5-               How can I reject the continuous ‘Wahi’ that was revealed to me. I have faith in the Divine ‘Wahi’ as I have faith in the ‘Wahi’ revealed to other Prophets”    .(Haqeeqatul Wahi, p.150, Roohani Khazain, v.22, p.154)


(Haqeeqatul Wahi, p.103, Roohani Khazain, v.22, p.106)

“A’ail came to me and he selected me. He gave a moment to his finger in a circle and indicated that God’s promise has been fulfilled. So, congratulation to him who finds it. (Here God has named Jabrael as ‘A’ail, because he comes again and again”

7-               “And God is revealing so much signs for me that if these had been revealed in Noah’s time, the people would not have drowned”

(Haqeeqatul Wahi, p.137 -Roohani Khazain, v.22, p.575).

According to Islamic faith, the special feature of Prophets had been that they were innocent.Mirza Qadiani also claimed innocence:

8-             (Tazkirah; p.674)

“I am like Quran and very soon, I will reveal what was revealed in ‘Furqan’ (that distinguishes between the truth and falsehood).

The Holy Quran is Muslim’s holy Book to which Mirza’s followers also consider that nothing can be changed in it. Mirza Qadiani likens his holiness to that of the Holy Quran.

9-               (Tazkirah, 107, 4th edition, Rabwah)

                    “We have descended him and we ourselves will safeguard him”

In fact this is Quran’s verses to which after minor change, Mirza Qadiani used it for himself. He wants to say that as nothing wrong can be done to Quran and as God Himself is responsible for its safety, in the same way, he is free from all sins because God is responsible for his parity.

10-       (Tazkirah, p.378, 394)

“And he does not speak out of his own desire. It is ‘Wahi’ that is revealed to him”

All the religious scholars and saints are agreed after Hazrat Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam Prophethood has been terminated and that there can be no Prophet afterwards. So, the person who after Hazrat Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam claims Prophethood is apostate and has nothing to do with Islam. However, there are certain parts and excellencies of Prophethood which are bestowed to Holy men and saints of the Ummah. These include ‘Kashf’, ‘Ilham’, true dreams and miracles or wonders. There things still exist, but no one can be called a Prophet because of these. Believing in ‘Kashf’ and ‘Ilham’ is not obligatory. Faith depends on Holy Quran and Sunnah. Even Prophet’s dream is ‘Wahi’ (Bukhari). But a saint’s dream or ‘Ilham’ is not justification to follow him. After a Prophet’s dream it is lawful to slaughter and kill on innocent. But it is not the case with the dream of a saint. So, a saint’s ‘Ilham’ or ‘Kashf’ does not provide logic in any religious matter. Its example is like that if a person has the qualities of a King, it does not mean that he is a king or necessarily will become King. So, if such a person claims that he is a King, the result will be that he will be arrested. In the same way if a person has one or two characteristics of Prophethood in him, it does not mean that he will be granted Prophethood on the other hand, if he claims Prophethood, he will be considered an apostate and a rebel to Islam.

(Al-Bukhari, v.2, p.1035)

“Hazrat Abu Hurairah (Razi Allah-o-Anho) relates that the Messenger  SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam of God has said ‘O people! No element of Prophethood survives now except the good dreams’”

(Bukhari and Muslim)

The result of the Hadith is that Prophethood has come to an end and ‘Wahi’ has been terminated. However, one element of Prophethood – true dreams – survive that are dreamt by Holy men. A Hadith in Sahih Bukhari says” “A true dream is the 46th part of Prophethood.”

(Second Hadith of Bukhari).

A doubt and its nullification

It is strange that after so much clear sayings of the Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, the Mirzais are staunch followers of Mirza Qadiani. After so much evident things, they should have followed the Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam. But the irony is that there is continuous increase in their blasphemy and in distortion of facts.

In the above Hadith, it has been clearly told that Prophethood has been terminated. But the Qadianies are happy that the very Hadith proves the continuity of Prophethood. How strange it is. They say that because one part or element of Prophethood survives, it proves the continuity of Prophethood. It is up to the men of reason to decide whether it is proper to call part a whole. In this age of science and philosophy a claimer of Prophethood does not differentiate between part and whole. If he is right then the part of prayer like ‘Allah hu Akbar’ and the part of ‘Wazu’ like washing hands should be taken for the whole prayer and whole ‘Wazu’ respectively. One word, Allah, should be taken for the complete ‘Azan’. So, if part is considered whole, then a single brick should be taken for a house. What a Prophethood! If a brick cannot be called a house, the forty sixth (46th) Part of Prophethood – true dreams – cannot be called Prophethood. As far as the example of water is concerned, that a drop is called water as water of a sea is also called water, is a fallacy. It is modern Mirzai Philosophy that took water drop as part of water. Water is not a part. It is complete in itself. The only difference is of quantity. There are just more drops of water in a sea. Whether it is drop of water or water in sea, it makes no difference. Both have the same formula – the combination of hydrogen and oxygen. So, as drop or drops cannot be called part. Only hydrogen cannot be called water. In the same way only one part of Prophethood cannot be called Prophethood. It is nonsense to think that if a part of Prophethood survives, it proves the continuity of Prophethood.

(Summary of ‘Khatm-e-Nubuwwat Kamil)