
Prove that Mirza Qadiani was immoral and abusive and had bad character. He used abusive language for his opponents. He was blasphemous against Prophets, especially against Christ. Prove.

Question No.9:      Prove that Mirza Qadiani was immoral and abusive and had bad character. He used abusive language for his opponents. He was blasphemous against Prophets, especially against Christ. Prove.

Answer:          Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani was born in 1839 or 1840. His father, Mirza Ghulam Murtaza, lived in Basti Qadian, Tehsil Batala and District Gurdaspur (India). The British Planted and developed him to divide the Muslims and to declare ‘Jihad’ unholy. He was so immoral that he used abusive language on trienal matters. He used to call his opponents bastards, the issue of the prostitute, infidels, etc. He himself writes in his books:

A-           and he who is not sure of our success is bastard and that he is not a lawful son of his father.

(Anwarul Islam, p.30; Roohani Khazain, v.9, p.31)

B-           “My opponents have been called Christians, Jews and atheists”                        (Nazolul Masehy, p.4, Roohani Khazain v.5, p.382)

     C-            “Every Muslim loves to see my books and takes benefit from their knowledge and affirms my preaching and accepts it. Only the issue of the Prostitutes have not affirmed me (my teachings).

(Aina-e-Kamalat Islam, pp 547-548, Roohani Khazain, v.14, p.53)

D-           “Our opponents are like the pigs and their woman are like bitch”                         (Najmul Huda, p.53, Roohani Khazain, v.14,p.53)

E-                “And I have been given a glad tiding that the person who becomes your enemy and appears you, will got to Hell”

(Tazkarah, p.168, second print).

F-                “God has revealed me that the person, to whom my preaching and message reach and even then he does not accept me, is not a Muslim.                       (Tazkarah, p.600, second print)

He used abusive language not just for the common Muslims but also for the Prophets. In the following are certain examples:

A-             “I myself believe that there has been no Prophet in the world who never made an error in his judgement (Ijtehad).

(Haqeeqatul Wuhi, p.135, Khazain, v.22, p.573).

B-               “God is revealing so much signs for me that if ‘these had appeared in the time of Noh Alaih-i-Salam, these people would not have drowned.’(Haqeeqatul Wuhi, p.137; Khazain, v.22, p.575).

C-              “So the Yousaf of this Ummah, i.e. the humble (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) is greater than the Israeli Yousaf, because in spite of making prayer the humble was not sent to prison, while Yousaf, the son of Jecob, was sent to prison.”

(Braheen Ahmedia, v.5, p.99; Khazain, v.21, p.99)

He is worse in his blasphemy against Christ. He writes

A-          “He (Christ) was in the habit of calling names and using abusive language. He became furious at trivial things. He had no self-control. But for me, it is not lamentable……. It should be remembered that to some extent he was in the habit of telling lies.”

 (Hashia Anjam Atham, p.5 Roohani Khazain, v.11, p.289)

B-           “It is shameful that he (Christ) stole from the Jews’ book, ‘Talmod’ and made a show of his own teaching”

(Hashia Anjam Atham, p.6; Roohani Khazain, v.11, p.290)

C-           “His family is also very pure and chaste. Three of his paternal grand mothers and three maternal grand mothers were Prostitutes. Their blood is running in his veins, but perhaps it was a precondition for becoming God. He was inclined towards prostitutes because he had the blood of Prostitutes in his veins. A pious man cannot allow a young prostitute to touch him…..”                                         (Khazain, v.11, p.29)

D-           “Wine causes much loss to the people of the West. (They were addicted to it) because Christ used to drink owing to some disease or it was his old habit.”

(Kashtie Nooh Hashia, p.73; Khazain, v.19, p.71)

D-          “God sent the promised Christ from this Ummah who is greater than the previous Christ in his glory. And He named the second Christ Ghulam Ahmad.               (Dafe Albala, p.13; Khazain, v.18, p.233)

E-              In a verse he says “Do not talk about the son of Mary, Ghulam Ahmad is better than he”

(Dafe Albala, p.20, Roohani, Khazain, v.18, p.240)

F-           The person who was fond of taking wine (‘Khatoot Imam banam Ghulam’, p.5) and to whom strange women used to press, is using abusive language against Christ.(Seeratul Mehdi, v.3, p.210)

G-          He took opium in medicine                                (Tazkara, p.761)

H-          In the same way he had the visions of naked women in dreams                                                     (Tazkara, p.199, third print).

               That is why the Lahori group, which does not consider him a Prophet, has charged him of adultery.(Alfazel Qadian, v.26, No.200, August 31, 1938).

               The man having such a bad chracter is claiming of being a Prophet and even Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam. Can there be a greater tyranny and sin than this? No one could understand the infidelity of the Qadianies better than Hazrat Maulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri (Razi Allah-o-Anho). He said that Mirza Qadiani was greater infidel than Pharoah and Homan. It is our duty to be safe and to save the whole Ummah from this mischief. May we get Divine Help for it?