
Define faith. What are the requirements of faith or religion, (‘Dean’)? Which are the people who can be called infidels, atheists, apostates, heresies and hypocrites?

Question No.2:           Define faith. What are the requirements of faith or religion, (‘Dean’)? What is ___________? Which are the people who can be called infidels, atheists, apostates, heresies and hypocrites? To which category the Qadianies fall? Answer the Qadianies objection that even the people or groups who have charged the Qadianies of infidelity have themselves charged each other of infidelity.

Answer:           Faith  

The word ‘Iman’ (faith) has been derived from ‘Peace (Aman). According to dictionaries ‘faith’ stands for ‘to believe a thing which we have not observed. We believe on behalf of the truth and character of the person who is telling us a particular thing. In the terminology of ‘Shariah’ faith is to depend on the prophets and whatever they say about God and the hidden world. For example, we believe in angels without seeing them. We believe because we believe in the truth of the prophets. Faith should have its roots in heart and mind.

Note:               On this subject Syed Anwar Shah Kashmiri (Razi Allah-o-Anho) has written a book. ‘Akfaral Mulhdeen’. The urdu translation is also available, Maulana Idrees Kanddelvi (Razi Allah-o-Anho) has also gained much from this book. His ‘Ahtasabe Qadianiat, part 2, is also important.

               Requirements of faith (Deen)

               In the terminology of ‘Shariat’ the requirements of ‘Deen’ are those clear cut things which are proved by ‘Matwater’ Ahadith’ and which are known by the common Muslims. Believing in these is compulsory for faith.

                         There is need of reinterpretation or elucidation where there is any doubt or wherethere is some need for it. If there is need for reinter pretation at all, it should not be contrary to Quran, Hadith and the consensus of the Muslim opinion.


               In ‘Shariah’ infidelity is in contrast with faith. Believing in the commandments of God on behalf of Prophets is called faith. If we do not believe a thing concerning God and that has come through the Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, we are infidels. There are two types of commandments or orders in ‘Deen’ – the Hadith that has many chains of narrators and the Hadith which has been narrated by a single person. ‘Matwater’ Hadith is one which has reached us through continuous chain of narrators. There is always a group among Muslims which narrates it and from the time of the Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam Muslims narrate and copy it. Here narrators are without any break and there is no chance for doubt or forgetfulness. The denial of such a ‘Matwater’ Hadith is infidelity. And the Hadith which has been narrated by a single person is not necessarily to be followed. Its denial will not lead to infidelity.

               ‘Lazoom Kufr’ (profanity)

               If a man talks blasphemously unconsciously, as one laughs at beard, it is profanity. It is called ‘Lazoom Kufr’.

 ‘Iltazam Kufr’

               If a man talks blasphemously consiciously, as one says that Prophethood is continued after Hazrat Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, it is profanity. If the man believed what he said, it is ‘Iltazam Kufr’. ‘Lazoom Kufr’ is profonity or infidelity of lesser degree, but ‘Iltazam Kufr’ is a profonity of higher degree.


According to dictionary infidelity means ‘to deny’. In the terminology of ‘Shariat’ the man who denies any one clear cut religious order is an infidel.

               Atheist and heresy

               To reinterpret the clear cut things to ‘Shariah’ in such a way as is in contrast with the faith of the Ummah. In Quran it is called ‘Asheism’ and in Hadith it is called ‘heresy’. Atheist and heresy are the persons who use Islamic terminology, but uses them or interprets them in such a way as change their real meaning. For example, if a man reinterprets ‘prayer’ and ‘Zakat’ in a way that ‘prayer’ (Namaz) stands for just ‘pray and uttering God’s name’ and that prayer need not have its particular form, it is atheism and heresy. In the same way an asheist or heresy may interpret ‘Zakat’ that it stands for The purification of self and that there is no need of giving certain amount of money from one’s wealth.

               Heresy is the man who is hypocrite and loses to be a Muslim. He tries to prove that his infidelity is, in real, Islam.

Commandment against heresy

               Imam Malik, Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmed (Razi Allah-o-Anho) say about the heresy that his repentance will not be accepted, because he has been guilty of heresy. He tried to present infidelity as Islam. He, infact, tried to cheat. This is unpardonable only death is the penalty for it. And the Qadianies are atheist and heresy.


               In dictionary apostate means ‘to turn back’. In the terminology of ‘Shariat’ apostasy means ‘to turn towards infidelity after accepting Islam. Imam Raghib Isfahani (Razi Allah-o-Anho) defines apostasy in ‘Mufradat’ as: “to convert to apostasy, from Islam, is apostasy.”

Commandment against apostate

               All the four schools of thought among the Muslims have the consensus of opinion that the person who becomes apostate should be given a chance for three days. Effort should be made to clear his doubts. If he realizes truth again and converts to Islam, it is well and good, otherwise he should be killed. This is called the issue of the killing of apostate and there is no difference of opinion among the Muslim scholars concerning it.


               The hypocrite is the person who hides his infidelity and poses to be a Muslim. The people of this kind were called hypocrite in the days of the Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam. Now there can be two types of people – Muslims or infidels.

Commandment against the Qadianies

               The Qadianies are heresy. They present their infidelity, Qadianiat, as Islam. For them Islam is infidelity. Even the coming generations of the Qadianies will be called heresy and apostate unless they convert to Islam. All the Qadianies are apostates whether they converted to Qadianiat or they inherited Qadianiat. The punishment for an apostate and heresy will be inflicted on them. Their sin is not only that they have converted to Qadianiat, but their real sin is also that name their infidelity as Islam. And every Qadiani is sinful in this regard. Most of the Muslims are not aware of the real nature of Qadianiat.

Charge of infidelity against each other.

               To convert people’s attention, the Qadianies say that the religious scholars who are given verdict of infidelity against them are also charging each other of infidelity. So, the opinion of religious scholars is not reliable. The reply to this fallacy is as follows:

1-           The function of the ‘Ulema’ (religious scholars) is not to lead people to infidelity but to tell them about the infidels. The ‘Fatwa’ (verdict) of the ‘Ulema’, that charge others of infidelity, does not represent their school of thought. On the other hand research minded people and the ‘Ulema’ having balanced opinion have always been careful. Such ‘Ulema’ have always disagreed with such a non serious and non-careful attitude of the ‘Ulema’. It is misleading if only the examples of same ill-natured and violent ‘ulema’ are presented before the people. So, it is wrong to hold the opinion that all the schools of thought of Muslims have been charging each other of infidelity. In every school of thought there has ever been an element which has been violent against others. But it is also fact that in the same school of thought there are scholars who are against such extremism and are mederate. And practically the moderate elements always over came.

2-           The difference among the Muslim schools of thought is the difference of opinion and not of cannot and divine law. That is why wherever the Muslims face a common problem or enemy, they unite. All the schools of thought unite at such occasions. A few violent people can do nothing. But the irony is that the small group of the violent Muslims has been highlighted. Much has been said about the differences among Muslims. The Qadianies have propagated much that the Muslims have differences and disparity among themselves. These were the same Muslims who played their role in the following:

A:          In 1951 all the schools of thought assembled to formulate Islamic constitution. They formulated ‘22 points’.

B:          In 1952 they collectively recommended Islamic priorities in the constitution. There was no difference of opinion.

C:          All the Muslim schools of thought were of the same opinion concerning the ‘Khatm-e-Nubuwwat’ movement 1953.

D:          There was no difference of opinion in the formulation of the Islamic clauses in the 1973 constitution.

E:          All the schools of thought were united in the ‘Khatm-e-Nubuwwat’ movements of 1974 and 1984. Moreover, they had the same voice in ‘Nizame Mustafa’ movement of 1977.

               Keeping in mind these things some things are evident:

  1. To charge any other of infidelity is the self-opinion of some violent people. This should not be taken as the opinion of the whole class or group; otherwise all the schools of thought could never have been assembled to one platform.
  2. The dominating element in all these schools is that, which does not charge the others of infidelity because of any difference;

iii.                            If some of the Muslims have exaggerated in charging others of infidelity, it does not mean that there can not be an infidel in the real sense.

          Are there no quack doctors? Does a skillful doctor never make a mistake? Can a man form the opinion that the whole class of doctors is a fraud? No, because of the wrong doings of some doctors the whole class can not be blamed. Do the judges of the courts never make blunders? Because of the existence of some corrupt judges it can not be argued that the very institution is useless. The same can be said about every walk of life. If some people are careless in their ‘Fatwa’ (it legal opinion) does not mean that there can never be a ‘Fatwa’ against anyother. In this regard Allama Iqbal has given a very sane opinion:

               “The religious disputes among different sects of Muslims do not affect the issues on which there is consensus. It does not matter that the sects are charging each other of infidelity.”

(Harf-e-Iqbal: p.127. Published: Alminar Academy, Lahore 47)