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Prove with arguments that Mirza Qadiani was an agent to the British and that he used religion as a guise. “The British feared the Muslims’ zest for ‘Jihad’. And they wanted to root this zest out. Explain how Mirza helped the British to get their aims?
Question No.5: Prove with arguments that Mirza Qadiani was an agent to the British and that he used religion as a guise. “The British feared the Muslims’ zest for ‘Jihad’. And they wanted to root this zest out. Explain how Mirza helped the British to get their aims?
Mirza Qadiani was planted by the British. After occupying the Sub-continent, the British got the services of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani to efface the zest for ‘Jihad’ among the Muslims. His writings prove it:
1: “It is requested to the British Government to care and to pay heed to the family which has been loyal (to the British) since for the past 50 years…… our family did not hesitate even to offer their lines for the Btritish. Even now, we are ready for this.”
(Kitabul Birea, p.350; Roohani Khazain, v.13, p.350)
2: “First of all, I want to inform that I belong to such a family about which the British Government has long formed the opinion that our family is their well wishers.
…….All these writings prove that from the very beginning my father as well as my family has been loyal to the British Government.”
(Majmoya Ishtaharat, v.3, pp. 9,10)
3: From the earlier times to this ago of 60. I have been doing only one important work with my tongue and pen: to create true lone for the British Government in the hearts of the Muslims…….(My purpose is) to remove evil thoughts, like Jihad, from the minds of some of the simple fellows.”(Majmoya Ishtaharat, v.3, p.11)
4: “I turned the minds of the Muslims of British India towards true loyalty of the British Government.”
(Majmoya Ishtaharat, v.3, p.11)
5: “I have spend the major part of my life in the support for the British empire. I have written so much in support of ‘the British and against ‘Jihad’ that if collected, it would fill 50 cupboards. I have spread all these books in all the Arabian countries, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan and Rome. I have always tried that the Muslims should become true well-wishers of this empire. I have also tried to turn Muslims’ minds against the baseless traditions concerning the bloody Mehdi and the bloody Christ.”
(Teryaqal Quloob, p.15; Roohani Khazain, v.15, pp.155, 156).
6: “So, not because of any pretence but because of the faith that God has created in my heart, I have spread the view among the Muslims that they should obey the British Government whole heartedly. The British Government is their benefactor, so they should be grateful to them otherwise they would be sinfal in the court of God”
(Majmoya Ishtaharat, v.3, p.11)
7: “I am speaking the truth that to have ill feelings against the benefactor can be the doings of a bastard. I have told about my faith many times that Islam has two parts: obedience towards God and obedience towards the empire which caused peace. The British Government saved us from the clutches of the tyrants……So, if we revolt against the British Government, we infact, revolt against Islam, God and the Messenger SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam.
(Shahadatal Qurban, p.’Jeem, DalRoohani Khazain, v.6, pp.380,381)
8: “God has decreased the intensity of ‘Jihad’ (Holy Wars) gradually. During the days of Moses even having faith could not save one from being killed and even the babies were murdered.
Then during the time of Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam the murder of the old people, women and children was exempted and made unlawful. And for some nations; ‘Jazia’ (tax) caused their salvation. And at the time of the promised Christ (Mirza) the order for ‘Jihad’ was nullified”
(Arbaen No.4, p.13; Roohani Khazain, v.17, p.443)
9: In a poem he says”
“Now do not think about ‘Jihad’. War for the sake of religion is unlawful now. Now after the appearance of the ‘Masehy’ all the wars have come to an end. Now the verdicts on favour of war and ‘Jihad’ are of no value. Now he who wages ‘Jihad’ will be considered God’s and the Holy Prophet’s (Mirza) enemy”
(Zamema Tohfa Goledia, p.41, 42; Roohani Khazain, v.17, pp.77, 78)
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