
The Mirzais present certain Ayahs and Ahadith to prove Christ’s death and to disprove Christ’s lifting to heavens. Mention any three of these and negate their point of view?

Question No.8:          The Mirzais present certain Ayahs and Ahadith to prove Christ’s death and to disprove Christ’s lifting to heavens. Mention any three of these and negate their point of view?

Answer:           Qadiani argument No.1:

  (Maida: 117)

“And I was a witness over them, while I remained among them; but when you did take my spirit, you yourself were the watched over them.”

(Translation by Mirza Bashiruddin, p.258).

               The Qadianies say that they base their argument to a tradition in Sahey Bukhari, which is as follows:

“Some of the people of my Ummah will be called and they will be going towards Hell. I SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam will say, ‘O my God!, these are my componions (Sahabah). I will be told ‘you do not know that what they did after you. So, I shall say what the piousman, Christ, had said: as far as I was present, I was a witness to them but when You took me to Yourself, You Yourself were the watcher.”

(Bukhari, v.2, p.665)

               The word has been used by both the prophets. It is apparent that Holy Prophet’s SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam is in case of death. In the same way Christ’s will also be in case of death. The Holy Prophet told that Christ’s time had passed. So we come to know that Christ has died.

Reply No.1:

               means to take completely. In Holy Prophet’s saying  stands for death, because everyone knows that He SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam has died. While in Christ’s saying does not stand for death because, it is used in the context of “Arabic”

Reply No.2:

               Had the of both the prophets been the same, the Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam would have said instead of . Both the Prophets offered their excuse for not being among their Ummah. But there is difference in their not being present. The Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam was not present because of his death and Christ was not present because he was lifted towards sky or heavens.

Qadiani argument No.2:

(Al-Imran: 144)

Qadiani translation:      “Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam is naught but a Messenger; Messenger have died before him. Why; if he should die or is salin, will you turn about on your heels?”

               Instead of saying ‘passed’ they said ‘died’ they argue that while all the Prophets before Hazrat Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam have died, so Christ has also died.

Reply No.1:

 is derived from . It has different meaning with time and different with space. In case of space it means ‘to vacate a place’. And in case of time, it means ‘to pass’.


1-                          (Baqra: 14)

     But when they go privity to their stands.”

2-                     (Haqa: 24)


3-                                  (Baqrah: 141)                                  “That is a nation (group) that has passed away”

                    It proves that  means ‘to vacate’ whether by passing or by dying. It is distortion of facts if one says, in spite of the clear Ahadith and the verses of the Holy Quran, that Christ has died.

Reply No.2:

“Arabic” is not adjective to “Arabic”. So, the meaning will be that many a Messenger have passed away before Muhammad SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam.

Reply No.3:

Qadiani argument No.3:

                          (Baqarah: 36)

The Mirzais refer also to the following Ayah:

     They argue that because human life will exist only on this earth, so how Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam) can leave the earth and live elsewhere. (Azala Oham, p.250).

               Mirza Qadiani says that the Ayah proves that human body cannot reach the sky. Human body was born out of earth, remained on earth and will go in earth.

Reply No.1:

               If a man has a permanent residence somewhere, he may go temporarily anywhere. People have gone even to space and moon. Is it contrary to the verses of the Holy Quran. If Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam has been lifted temporarily, it does not mean that he has died. He will come to earth at due time and will die like other people and will be buried in the earth.

Reply No.2:

               There is consensus of Muslim scholars on it that by birth Isa Alaih-i-Salam resembled angels. So, his lifting is natured. The Qadianies could never, nor would be able to present a ‘Sahey’ Hadith to support their view. The Hadith they present are not ‘Sahey’.

               These are some of the examples of Qadiani distortions of facts. For detail can be studied ‘Shahadatul Quran’ by Maulana Ibrahim Sialkoti. Maulana Idrees Kandhelvi’s ‘Ahtarab Qadianiat, v.2 is also important in this regard.