
The Muslims have the faith that God saved Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam from the Jews’ oppressions and lifted him to heavens. Prove this faith in the light of Quran and Hadith.

Question No.2:           The Muslims have the faith that God saved Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam from the Jews’ oppressions and lifted him to heavens. Prove this faith in the light of Quran and Hadith.

Answer:          Argument No.1:  (Al-Imran: 55)

(Al-Imran: 55)

“When God said, ‘O’ Jesus (Isa), I will take you to Me and I will raise you to Me and I will purify you of those who belie not. I will set your followers above the unbelievers till the Resurrection Day. Then unto Me shall you return, and I will decide between you (people) as to what you (people) were at variance on.”

               In the preceding Ayah God mentioned the secret plan. In this Ayah is the detail of that secret plan. While the Jews were planning to besiege and kill him at this juncture God consoled Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam and gave him the good news that his enemies would fail in their plans. In this connection four promises were made him:

1-                             I will take you in totality.

2-                             I will lift you to heavens.

3-                             I will save you from the evil of the infidels (the Jews)

4-                             I will make your followers overcome your enemies till the day of Judgment.

          See four promise were in fact in keeping with the conspiracy of the Jews that is:

1-           To arrest Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam.

2-           To murder him after much torture.

1-                             And then to insult and defame him.

2-                             And to root his religion out in a way that there should be no followers of his religion.

Argument No.1:

The Ahadith that prove the arrival of

Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam

Hadith No.1:

(Muslim v.2, p.401 Bab Zikar Al-Dajjal).

               “Hazrat Nawas bin Samain (Razi Allah-o-Anho) relates that the Holy Prophet has said when God sends Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam, he will descent on the eastern white minerate of the ‘Jamay’ mosque of Damascus. He will be wearing two yellow sheets and his two arms will be on the hands of two angels, etc. Then he will go out to seek ‘Dajjal’ (anti-Christ) ultimately he will find him at Bab-e-Lud. He will kill him.”

               The Hadith also tells that the blow of his mouth will reach far and it will kill the infidels. This will be his miracle.

Hadith No.2:

(Kitabul Asma’ wal Sifat, p.301)

“Hazrat Abu Hurairah (Razi Allah-o-Anho) relates that the Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam has said that ‘your pleasure knows no bounds when Isa Alaih-i-Salam, the son of Maryam will descend from heavens and your Imam (leader) will be from you” (i.e. Imam Mehdi will be your ‘Imam’ and Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam inspite of being a prophet, will follow Imam Mehdi.

Note:      The Hadith reveals that Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam and Hazrat Mehdi are two different personalities.

Hadith No.3:  

(Tafseer Ibn-e-Kaseer, v.1, p.578 Fathel Bari, v.6, p.357)

“Imam Ahmed bin Hambel (Rahmatullah Alaih) quotes from Abu Hurairah (Razi Allah-o-Anho) that the Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam has said that ‘though the ‘Shariat’ of every religion is different, but the principles of all the ‘shariat’ (divine law) are the same. And I am the closest to Isa Alaih-i-Salam because there is no Prophet between he and I. He will appear. If you see him, recognize him. He will be of middle height. His colour will be a mixture of red and white. He will be wearing clothes of two colours. Drops of water will be falling from his head though it will not be wet. He will break the cross and abolish ‘Jizia (tax liened on non-Muslims). He will invite all the people towards Islam. God will afface all the religions except Islam. ‘Dajjal’ will be murdered in his age. After it peace will prevail in the whole world. Even lion and camel, leapard and cow, wolf and goat will eat, drink together. Children will play with snakes. The snakes will not harm them. Isa Alaih-i-Salam will remain on earth for forty years. After it he will die and the Muslims will say his funeral prayer.

Hadith No.4:

(Akhrajah Ibne Kaseer Fe Tafseer Aal Imran, v.1, p.366)

“Imam Hasan Barri (Rahmatullah Alaih) relates that the Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam said: Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam is not dead yet but alive and he will come again in the world.”

Haidth No.5:

(Rawah Abnel Jozi Fe Kitabal Wafa, p.177-Mishqat, p.480. chapter Nazool Isa Ibn Maryam)

“Abdullah bin Umero (Razi Allah-o-Anho) relates that the Holy Prophet said: “In future Isa Alaih-i-Salam will descend on earth (it means that Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam was not on earth before. On the other hand, he was on heavens). He will be buried beside me. On the day of Judgement, I will rise from the grave with Christ, the son of Mary and I will be between Abu Bakr (Razi Allah-o-Anho) and Umer (Razi Allah-o-Anho).”


Hadith No.6:

(Tafseer Ibne Jareer, v.3, p.163)

“Explaining “Arabic” Rabey writes that the Christians of Najran came to meet the Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam and started to debate about the Divinity of Christ. They said that if Christ is born without father, he should be called God’s son. While the fact is that no one can be God’s partner. He has no wife or children. The Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam said to them, “you know well that a son resembles his father.” They replied in the affirmative. So, in this way Christ should resemble God. But everyone knows that God cannot be likened to any one because

               The Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam said to them, “you know that God as alive and will never die. While Christ will die (this shows that Christ has not died yet and he will die in future). The Christians of Najran agreed. The Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam said: “Do you know that God sustained everything and He is the Guardian and sustainer of the universe.” The Christians agreed. The Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam asked: “whether Christ has all these characteristics?” The Christians replied in the negative. The Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam said: “Is it not that nothing is hidden for God?” The Christians agreed. The Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam asked: “Has Christ also the same feature?” The Christians replied in the negative. The Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam said: “Do you know that God created Christ in his mother’s womb according to His Will?” The Christians said, ‘Yes’. The Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam said “you know well that God does not eat or drink and He is free from extrements of bowels and bladder. The Christians agreed to it. The Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam asked them: “Do you know that Christ’s mother became pregnant like other women and she bore him as other children are born. Moreover, Christ was fed like other children. The Christ used to eat and drink and answer the call of nature.” The Christians of Najran acknowledged these truths. The Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam asked, “Then how Isa Alaih-i-Salam can be God’s son.” The Christians of Najran realized the truth, but they denied truth consciously. At this God revealed these Ayahs,


               All these Ahadith and traditions make it crystal clear that the Christ whose descent has been told in Ahadith is the same who has been mentioned in the Holy Quran, who was born to Mary, the virgin and to whom ‘Injeel’ (New Testament) was revealed. Descent does not mean that the person would be from the Holy Prophet’s SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam Ummah and would be like Christ. In the Ahadith if Christ stands for Mirza Qadiani, then it should also mean that wherever there is mention of Christ, it should stand for Mirza Qadiani (May God forgive us). After telling about the descent of Christ, the Holy Prophet recited the Ayah. It reveals that the Holy Prophet meant Christ, the son of Mary, about whom the Ayah was revealed. No other ‘Messiah’ (Christ) can be for it. Moreover, Imam Bukhari and others mentioned Sura Maryam, Al-Imran and Nisa along with such Ahadith. It also proves that only the descent of that Christ has been mentioned in the Ahadith about whom the Holy Quran talks about his lifting to heavens. There is no contradiction in Quran. In the both, only the same personality, Christ, is meant.

Note:     There are more than hundred Ahadith concerning the descent of Christ. Allama Syed Anwar Shah Kashmiri (Rahmatullah Alaih) has mentioned these Ahadith in his book “Altesreh Bima Tawater Fi Nazool Almeseh”. Here only six Ahadith, which negate the Qadianies theory, have been selected:

1-                             In the first Hadith there is mention of the descent of Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam on the eastern minerat of the mosque in Damascus. His hands will be on the wings of angels and he will kill “Dajjal’ near Bab Lud (Name of a village in Palestine).

2-                             In the second Hadith there is explanation of descent of Hazrat Isa Alaih-i-Salam from heavens.

3-                             In the third Hadith, the Holy Prophet SallAllah-o-Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam says that ‘there is no Prophet between Isa Alaih-i-Salam and me, and only this Isa (Alaih-i-Salam), son of Maryam, will appear.’ “

4-                             The fourth Hadith explains “Arabic” and “Arabic”.

5-                             The fifth Hadith explains his descent towards the earth.

6-                             The sixth Hadith explains “Arabic”


               The books on Ahadith have a chapter about the descent of Isa Alaih-i-Salam. But no Qadiani can show a Haidth or a chapter on the death of Isa Alaih-i-Salam (Christ).