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The Revelation Of Mirza Qadiyani
One feels nausea to go through the revelations of the ‘English Prophet’. He (Mirza Qadiyani) seems to be a lunatic person. His so called revelations are very lengthy, but we are mentioning here just a few of these. His revelations are in different languages.
Arabic:…………… …..’Our lord is a Haji (Pilgrim) (Brahin-e-Ahmadia: No: 3, P: 537)
Punjabi:………………..’The strip was pulled out’ (‘Patti destroyed’ – Patti being the land of Sultan Mehmood, husband of Muhammadi Begum) (Tazkara: P: 801)
Hindi:………………….’Hay Krishn Jee Rodar Gopal’ (Albadar: V: 2, No: 41-42)
Hebrew:………………..’Aili Aili Sabqanini AIli Aus’ (Albashra: V: 1, P: 26)
Persian:……………………………….’ (Tazkara: P: 297)
English:………………..’I love you, I am with you, I shall help you’ (Is it the queen or God or both or some other deadly combination) (Haqiqat Alwahi: P: 303)
Some other revelations are:
Mirza Jee was not feeling well. In a state of revelation a small bottle was shown to him. “Khaksar Peppermint” was written on it. (Al Hukm: Qadiyan, February 24, 1905)
Shaena Na’sa:
“Hosha’na Na’sa” ( You could not make out what it means – even we could not) (Brahin-e-Ahmadia: P: 556)
Ghashm Ghashm:
“Ghashm, ghashm, ghashm” (???) (Albashra: V: 2, P: 50)
An Egg:
“There is an egg in my hand which broke” (Hmmm…. makes sense) (Tazkara: P: 645)
“The belly burst” (Albashra: V: 2, P: 19)
Barfi (sweets):
Once he dreamt a packet of very splendid sweets in dream. (Mukashafat: P: 36)
“Yesterday when I was about to use a medicine, the revelation came “Dangerous” (Tazkara: P: 752)
Three Razors:
Three razors and a small bottle of scent were shown in a dream (Tazkara: P: 774)
Anise Seed:
“In dream someone put anise seed on my hand” (Makashafat: P: 45)
One grain:
“How many people will eat one grain” (Albushra: V: 2, P: 107)
“O Mirza! Have we taken the responsibility of your health”
“In dream someone put a heap of jujube on my cot” (Makashafat: P: 37)
“Presh Umar Pratoos or Platoos” (???!!)
The Qadiyanis consider Mirza Qadiyani as their Prophet. But his writings reveal that he was a psychiatric patient. Mirza himself says that he is suffering from hysteria and melancholy.
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